Pixel Paintballers

Pixel Paintballers is a simple action shooter game currently in the final stages of development.


Development staff

In its current stage, Pixel Paintballers is being developed by:

Issues and general feedback

As Pixel Paintballers is still in relatively early development, we recommend that you contact us regarding the software to via email.

Current running platforms

Pixel Paintballers is currently able to run on devices with Java version 8, although we recommend that you run it on the latest update to avoid any issues related to the JRE.

Software downloads

Download agreement

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING OUR SOFTWARE. By downloading our software, you agree and acknowledge that HyperByte Industries and its members are not liable for any external damage caused to your device unless our software is the direct cause of the damage.

Download instructions

  1. Download a release from the releases list below.
  2. Extract the game jar and res folder (v1.0 and lower) into your desired location (NOTE: The res folder must be beside the game jar in order for the game to operate.).
  3. Run the game jar and enjoy!

To gain FPS readings, simply run the jar file using your terminal, and the FPS rate will be printed in the terminal.


Here are all the releases of Pixel Paintballers in order of their latest release date.